We are a news site giving news to billions of people across the world.
How we operate
We evaluate a publication against our Editorial Standards, which require a track record of publishing quality, credible journalism.
Once accepted, we check their website, day and night, for new stories.
Our technology evaluates every article against editorially-driven criteria, and adds it to the relevant feeds.
We reassess feeds and publications regularly to keep standards high, and work with publishers where necessary to help achieve this.
Our mission
Our mission is more important than ever. We’re a team with a purpose beyond profit.
We make it easy for millions of people to discover news from thousands of publishers.
Including some you know, and some you probably don’t
We help publishers of all sizes access audiences that may otherwise be hard to reach.
News is at the heart of what we do. We’re not driven by revenue targets, but by the need to make news better, because a healthy society needs a healthy news diet.
We believe this helps make society better, but huge challenges remain. We must urgently move towards a future where public interest news and journalism is effectively funded by and distributed for the people it serves.